For a long time, colors and cleanliness have always affected a person’s mood and mind. And also in every region, religion and race every color always have a significance of their own. May it be biggest civilizations or some tribe each and every one of them have their own way to present and communicate themselves and this is done by using various colors. Colors are also used to decorate and beautify oneself and also their surroundings. As in modern days people use various types of color and decorative to show their mood, style and make a mark of their own.
In the same way painting your room, house or any other thing related to you can put a drastic effect on your mood and this may affect your life too. Painting your surrounding can boost your mood as after painting it gives a feeling of cleanliness and this in turn makes your mood fresh and fills you with new energy. A clean surrounding also helps you channelize your thoughts in the right direction and in turn helps you to make the right decisions. Also it can help you my giving a good physical and mental health and also make your social life in a good swing.

Different colors also have different affect on your mood. As where white or any other light shaded color can add up brightness, happiness, feeling of prosperity, feeling of success, feeling of calmness to your mind, body and soul. There adding a dark color may sometime make you feel good but mostly will make your thoughts, mood and mind a bit confused, sad, depressed and it may also affect your health. Color changes the aura around you too which may put an effect on your luck, lifestyle and everyday decisions too. Many astrologers and other fate tellers always guide their clients to use different colors to correct the bad effects in their life and it works too.
Painting also helps to channelize positive energy and flow to your daily life and also adding a new color new paint or new change can bring in a new turn in your life and that may be a good thing in your everyday boring life. Always following the same flow and order of things gets boring and also affects your mood and personal life too so getting a fresh coat of paint can also bring a touch of freshness in your life too. Repeating the same daily schedule over and over again for days, months and years is kind of boring and after some time you lose your interest in daily life and also you can’t understand why you are even working so hard. So for a change get a fresh coat of paint and you will feel the change yourself in no time.
Just reading the article won’t bring any change to your boring and exhausted life but yes adding a new paint and fresh coat of color may bring new colors to your life too and ultimately you will feel the change in you, your life and in your surroundings just by painting.